Speaking Truth with Picturesque but Disciplined Extravagance

moleskine collage 27004
The above image is this week’s collage in my moleskine sketchbook. The gold metallic, vaguely round pieces of paper are the wrappers from chocolate coins eaten by Matt. They were given to him by Travis and the left over paper made its way to me after the chocolate was gone. It’s like the circle of life of chocolate coins. ๐Ÿ˜‰

This week from Free Will Astrology

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): *Gleeking* is a term that refers to a special kind of projectile spitting. To do it, you’ve got to practice. It involves pressing your tongue against your submaxillary salivary gland when a pool of drool has accumulated nearby. I recommend this practice for you in the coming week, Leo. It’ll be a favorable time for you to be undignified, unpredictable, and even outrageous in expressing yourself. Other suggested practices: telling unruly stories concisely, speaking the truth with picturesque but disciplined extravagance, adding some vivid new slang to your body language, and skipping and hopping or even dancing as you walk. (For instructions on how to gleek, go to tinyurl.com/hn7vo.)

If you see me spitting and dancing around you in the next few days, now you know why.