More Mixed Media Collage on Etsy

Here’s a few more of my recent mixed media collage pieces that I’ve listed for sale on Etsy.

Mixed Media Collage - On wings we fly
On Wings we Fly, 10″ x 10″
Mixed Media Collage: gel medium transfer, inkjet print, rubber stamp, acrylic paint, and watercolour

This work is listed for sale on Etsy with further detail photos.

Mixed Media Collage - Octopus
Octopus, 10″ x 10″
Mixed Media Collage: gel medium, inkjet print, paper, rubber stamp, book pages, acrylic paint, ink, and watercolour

This work is listed for sale on Etsy with further detail photos.

Mixed Media Collage - Ginko Leaves
Ginko Leaves, 10″ x 10″
Mixed Media Collage: gel medium, paper, Japanese paper, rubber stamp, book pages, ginko leaves, acrylic paint, ink, and watercolour.

This work is listed for sale on Etsy with further detail photos.