Paper Birds Wading in a Paper World

These days I’m switching back and forth between paper cuts and collages as I prepare work for Got Craft and beyond. These two are the latest in the bird collages on wooden panel. I really like them.

I’ve been holding onto a few scrap pieces of book pages I’d cut shapes from and made use of them in these two finished pieces. Note the book page at the top of the Black Oyster Catcher collage, and the one at the bottom of the Sandpiper collage to see what I mean.

Bird Collage - Sandpiper

Bird Collage - Sandpiper
Sandpiper Collage | 10″ x 10″ | Etsy Listing

Bird Collage - Black Oyster Catcher

Bird Collage - Black Oyster Catcher
Black Oyster Catcher Collage | 10″ x 10″ | Etsy Listing

Both are available for purchase through my Etsy shop.