Flight of the Albino Crows at Illuminares

It was a beautiful thing to finally see the installation I’ve been working on for the past few months come together at Illuminares on Saturday evening.


Illuminares 2012- Illuminated crows-7

It took Boris and I two hours to set it up in the afternoon. I was a little worried at the time because it was so windy during installation I thought the crows might blow away. Thank goodness I went with wire to suspend the crows because it kept them from tangling together.

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Illuminares 2012- Illuminated crows

Just as I’d hoped, the location was a perfect spot for the crows. These photos don’t quite do it justice but there was a magical atmosphere surrounding the installation, and people gazed at the work with a sense of wonder. I really enjoyed observing people’s reactions to it.

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Illuminares 2012- Illuminated crows

Many friends stopped by to hang out at our blanket under the tree, which made for a very fun evening.

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Illuminares 2012- Illuminated crows-6

A BIG thank you to Boris for his tremendous help throughout the whole process, and to Scott and Sam for helping de-install at the end of the evening. I could not do half the things I do as an artist without the continued support of friends.

4 thoughts on “Flight of the Albino Crows at Illuminares

  1. Martina Lee says:

    The flight of albino crows were hauntingly beautiful under the tree. They certainly did not look like they were not up to murder! Thank you for creating it.

  2. Rachael says:

    Anne, I wish you could’ve made it on Saturday, but I will show this again at some point.

    Martina, thank you so much. It was lovely running into you at Illuminares.

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