Studio Visit with Amanda McCavour

One of the things I’d arranged in advance of my trip to Toronto was to do a studio visit with textile artist, Amanda McCavour. She was about to leave town to do an installation in Alberta, but we managed to fit it in. It was an absolute pleasure to finally meet in person, and I felt we had much in common. I took a few photos after we chatted for an hour and a half about our work, life in Toronto versus Vancouver, and so many other things.

Studio visit with Amanda McCavour

Studio visit with Amanda McCavour

Her studio is located above an art supply store in The Junction, and despite the rainy day the room was filled with beautiful light. She had pulled out a selection of her installations in their storage containers for me to see, and of course this reminded me of my own approach to modular work made from small pieces. The poppies below are from an installation that has not yet been shown. I was thrilled to get to take one of these home with me.

Studio visit with Amanda McCavour

Studio visit with Amanda McCavour

Studio visit with Amanda McCavour

I loved her wall of sketches, as well as the glorious wall of colourful threads. It’s always a treat to visit another artist’s workspace.

Studio visit with Amanda McCavour

Amanda McCavour will be showing in Vancouver as part of Means of Production, a group show of textile artists opening in June at Cityscape Gallery.