Means of Production at Cityscape Gallery

Means of Production opened at Cityscape Community Art Space in North Vancouver last week. It is a show featuring the work of five textile artists working in weaving, rug hooking, and stitching while exploring the value, meaning, and metaphorical possibilities of of making work by hand in a digital age of increasingly rapid advancement.

The show features beautiful and meaningful pieces by Amanda Wood, Michelle Sirois Silver, Stephanie Symns, Lucky Poskitt, and Amanda McCavour.

Amanda Wood at Cityscape Gallery - Means of Production

Installation by Amanda Wood

Amanda Wood at Cityscape Gallery - Means of Production

Installation detail by Amanda Wood

Amanda Wood at Cityscape Gallery - Means of Production

By Amanda Wood

Michelle Sirois Silver at Cityscape Gallery - Means of Production

Rug hooking detail by Michelle Sirois Silver

Michelle Sirois Silver at Cityscape Gallery - Means of Production

Rug hooking detail by Michelle Sirois Silver

Lucy Poskitt at Cityscape Gallery - Means of Production

Weaving by Lucy Poskitt

Lucy Poskitt at Cityscape Gallery - Means of Production

Detail of Weaving by Lucy Poskitt

Lucy Poskitt at Cityscape Gallery - Means of Production

Weavings by Lucy Poskitt

Stephanie Symns at Cityscape Gallery - Means of Production

Weaving by Stephanie Symns

Stephanie Symns at Cityscape Gallery - Means of Production

Weaving by Stephanie Symns

Stephanie Symns at Cityscape Gallery - Means of Production

Weaving by Stephanie Symns

Amanda McCavour at Cityscape Gallery - Means of Production

Installation by Amanda McCavour

Amanda McCavour at Cityscape Gallery - Means of Production

Installation detail by Amanda McCavour

Amanda McCavour at Cityscape Gallery - Means of Production

Installation detail by Amanda McCavour

Means of Production continues until July 15, 2017. Visit Cityscape Community Art Space website for details.