Uninterrupted Under The Cambie Bridge

Uninterrupted is a stunning video installation that has been playing under the Yaletown side of the Cambie Street Bridge all summer, in Cooper’s Park. I saw it for the second time last night with friends.



The 25 minute video is mapped to the pillars and underside of the bridge, and follows the migration of Pacific Salmon from beginning until their sad end. The image above shows the projector doing a mapping test before the performance started, which was pretty interesting.


I shot a few stills during the performance but mostly I wanted to enjoy it without a camera in the way. The imagery begins and ends in a cityscape but is mostly water and salmon at different stages of their lives. It’s awe inspiring and magical.




Performances of Uninterrupted continue until September 24th, and the start time is currently at 9pm. This may shift as it gets later in the year and the sunsets earlier. I recommend taking a blanket and small pillow because it’s best viewed while lying down.