Cute Fox Embroidery Kit by Kiriki Press

I bought this embroidery kit by Kiriki Press at the Paper Place when I was in Toronto earlier in the year. I loved the cute design and thought it would be a good practice project to brush up on my embroidery skills. But when I started working on it in July I was really frustrated by the small scale and having to follow a pattern. I set it aside for most of the summer and then decided to have another go at it this weekend.

Kiriki Press embroidery kit

Kiriki Press embroidery kit

I’d been lamenting my lack of productivity last week so I really wanted to work on something. I somehow managed to get past my frustrations with this kit when I took it out on Saturday, and made my way through all of the embroidery by mid-afternoon on Sunday. This was between going out for walks, naps, swimming at the beach, reading, and eating. I learned new stitches – the chain stitch and the ladder stitch – and fell in love with the little fox in the process.

Kiriki Press embroidery kit

Kiriki Press embroidery kit

The kit comes with a back piece and stuffing to turn the fox into a very cute little softie. She is about six inches high, and is a lovely addition to my small collection of handmade toys. The first I’ve made myself!