Portrait Lab and Drawing with Thread

I went to see the latest show at the Craft House on Granville Island yesterday evening. It features the embroidery work of Eleanor Hannan, as she explores the subject of portraiture and uses thread and stitching as a tool for drawing. The work is a mix of stitching by hand and machine with lots of lovely intricate details.

Eleanor Hannan at Crafthouse Gallery, Vancouver

Eleanor Hannan at Crafthouse Gallery, Vancouver

Eleanor Hannan at Crafthouse Gallery, Vancouver

Eleanor Hannan at Crafthouse Gallery, Vancouver

Eleanor Hannan at Crafthouse Gallery, Vancouver

I think the final two pictured here are my favourites from the show because of her use of colourful fabrics and collage-like appearance of the figures.

The show continues until September 28. Read more about Eleanor Hannan in this interview by the Craft Council of BC.