28 Days of Hearts in February

To get myself back on track after the displacement from my studio last month, I decided to work on a daily project in February. I was feeling both drained and depressed, and decided what I needed was a little more love. So I went wth the plan to create one heart a day for the month of February.

I alternate each day between drawing with gel pens, and cutting the designs by hand while coming up with something new to do within the same heart shape every day. I have been enjoying the heck out of this project. It has lifted my spirits and fuelled my creativity in a HUGE way. I reached the half-way point of the project on Valentine’s Day this week, and so here are the first fourteen hearts I’ve made so far.

28 days of hearts
Day 1

28 days of hearts
Day 2

28 days of hearts
Day 3

28 days of hearts
Day 4

28 days of hearts
Day 5

28 days of hearts
Day 6

28 days of hearts
Day 7

28 days of hearts
Day 8

28 days of hearts
Day 9

28 days of hearts
Day 10

28 days of hearts
Day 11

28 days of hearts
Day 12

28 days of hearts
Day 13

28 days of hearts
Day 14

I hope you had a happy love day!

2 thoughts on “28 Days of Hearts in February

  1. Jay Fienberg says:

    I love how the patterns interact with the shape and symbol of the valentine heart.

    This time of year, there are so many valentine hearts-with-things-in-them, where, imho, it’s so often like someone introduced a parasitic idea to a heart shape, and it’s just gross.

    But the energy and movement in your patterns flip things the other way, where the heart shape is like a reflection of the passenger/viewer on the ride through the spaces (and each piece is a different ride). And that also is a satisfying metaphor for this holiday at its best.

    • Rachael says:

      Hey Jay, thanks for such a terrific comment. Hearts can be cheesy but I love them as an interesting shape I can transform in different ways through drawing and paper cutting. This project has been a bit of a life-saver for me over the past few weeks, and has kept me on track with my creative work.

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