31 Days of Scribbles

I decided to continue working on a daily project after the conclusion of 28 Days of Hearts in February. This time the theme is scribbles, and it’s called 31 Days of Scribbles. I was intending to also explore squiggles and knots for variety but I am sticking with scribbles because they are fascinating and work well as paper cut pieces.

These are the first eight of the series. I’m using the project as an opportunity to try different papers than I normally use in my work. The white pieces are Strathmore parchment paper, and the polka dot ones are cut from a screen printed handmade Himalayan paper. The grey paper with red and blue is one of the pieces of Canson Mi-teints I used for a layering of block printed patterns earlier this year.

31 Days of Scribbles

31 Days of Scribbles

31 Days of Scribbles

31 Days of Scribbles

My process for these has been to quickly sketch out a scribble making sure to overlap the lines so it holds together as a cut piece. I try to keep them spontaneous with an eye to structure. They’re steadily becoming more complex and intricate as the days go by. My intention is to eventually turn a grouping of these into an installation.

31 Days of Scribbles

31 Days of Scribbles

31 Days of Scribbles

31 Days of Scribbles

31 Days of Scribbles

I would really like to create large pieces exploring this idea, but it will have to wait until I return to a proper studio space.