Cut Weave Throw Print at Elissa Cristall Gallery

Join me on September 13th for opening night of the group exhibition, Cut Weave Throw Print, at Elissa Cristall Gallery.

The show features work by Rachael Ashe, Aurora Landin, Alwyn O’Brien, Amanda Wood and is curated by Lesley Finlayson. The Cut Weave Throw Print exhibition coincides with the Textile Society of America 16th bi-annual symposium to be held in Vancouver September 19-23, 2018 at the Sheraton Wall Centre.

“In a world of artifice easily facilitated by user friendly technology I curated this exhibition to present art in which the works elegantly manifest the artists’ discernment, understanding and knowledge of techniques which are critical to their practices and to the work coming into existence. The skills involved are physical, intellectual, psychological and emotional, combined with a multi-layered and highly specialized familiarity with a range of materials, hand tools and equipment developed over centuries. These are the quanta of the creative processes which allow each artist to explore the infinite possibilities of material and technique. The nature of infinite possibilities of materials in an artist’s hands and knowledge in their minds, drives artists to explore and test the nebulous boundaries of their practice. Sometimes the results are catastrophic, as forms collapse or materials disintegrate into chaos. Sometimes boundaries are crossed into another realm: weaving becomes sculptural, clay is woven into frozen fire, the staccato snips of scissors through paper become the construction of time, steel incising copper becomes drawing on paper. In all this work we see traces of decisions made and remade, of pentimento, of errors corrected, or not, of directions started, pushed or abandoned. Surrounding the work in the gallery we see shadows cast in light and space, including our own shadows as viewers. More subtly perhaps, within each piece we sense the shadow of the artist’s self, the human.” – Lesley Finlayson, Curator


Cut Weave Throw Print
Location: Elissa Cristall Gallery
Opening: September 13th 2018, 6pm to 8pm
Dates: September 13th to 29th
Address: 2239 Granville Street on the second floor, just south of 7th Avenue.