Does Anyone Read Blogs Anymore + Five Good Things From The Week

So I thought I’d take a stab at writing on my blog more regularly again. I haven’t kept up with it at all since the pandemic started in 2020, even though there is lots I could write about. It’s amazing how I could go from writing eight to ten posts every month so religiously for years, to almost nothing. 

To start things off I decided to implement a new template. When Boris migrated my blog I’d hastily applied a template, but always felt frustrated with it. My lack of interest meant I never made an effort to try and change it to something better. Inertia has really taken over many aspects of my life.

One of the thoughts I keep having is: Do people ever read blogs anymore? I do, but much less than ever before (probably out of inertia). How much does that matter, when I’ve mostly always kept this blog for myself. It’s been a good way to regularly document my work over the years, in parallel to what I post on Instagram. I think that is a good thing, because it allows me to write more about the process and details of each piece.

While I am here, I will include a Five Good Things From The Week List, because it has always been a reflective post I enjoyed writing. Here goes: 

  1. Our weekly swim night at New Brighton Park pool with less than twenty other people because the weather was cool. 
  2. Reading Nishga by Jordan Able. It’s an emotional journey of identity, intergenerational trauma, and belonging in the form of deconstructed academic and historical documents turned  work of art in book form.
  3. Getting a much-needed hair cut!!!!
  4. Stumbling across Kouign, a new French-style bakery in Chinatown, and buying tasty treats for Boris and I to enjoy.
  5. Discovering (thanks to Barb) there are two new Trinidadian restaurants newly opened in East Van! I can’t wait to try them both.