Birdless wings

Birdless wings

It’s a bit morbid to stop and take pictures of the partial remains of a dead bird, but these were just too lovely to resist. I think it was my fascination with wings more than anything that drew me to take this shot, but I also found it interesting that the bone structure was still intact enough to keep the two wings together. And what became of the rest of the body before the remains of it landed on a busy city sidewalk…?

Where’s Lepos?

Space explorer Pigeon space chase

I took these photos last summer while in Toronto on a graffiti walk with local flickrite Wacky Doodler. I didn’t realize at the time that this funny little character, named Lepos, is part of an international street art campaign. There have also been sightings of him in New York, Los Angeles, Stockholm, and Prague. There is an amusing article from the Wooster collective on How to plan a viral marketing campaign” using the Lepos street art as an example.

Spiral shadows on the tiles

Spiral shadows on the tiles

Taken in a doorway in Gastown with my super crappy Canon Powershot A200 digital camera. I was really surprised by how decent an image I was able to get from such a low quality piece of equipment. Go figure. I call it my digital trash cam…

A two dollar shot

A $2 shot

This is another example of a surprisingly sharp Holga photo. To explain the title of this photograph, in order to be allowed to take this picture I had to pay the gentleman playing the guitar. I suppose I could have gotten away with stealth shooting him, but I never feel good about doing that sort of thing. I really wanted this to turn out well, so I decided to pay the money. It was worth it.