Self portrait experiment - revised
Today I am spending some time reviewing my work, trying to figure out what I should do with cradle frames I bought to do heat transfers upon. It’s a good opportunity to create new work, but at the same time I’m torn because I’d like to use some older stuff that hasn’t been shown before.

I found the above image as I was going through my digital collage work, and decided to post it here. I think it may be the strangest self-portrait I’ve done because it is so abstract. I have a love/hate feeling about it because, though I like bits and pieces of the image, I’m not entirely convinced it works well as a whole.



I started writing an entry about wanting to show my work in a gallery, and how I’ve come to realize I better stop just thinking about it and make it a reality before another year comes and goes… Instead I will leave you with a link to a terrific blog Miranda recently pointed me to, called Millionaire Artist, and the entry on “Why is art so expensive?”

I’m happy it’s Friday and the long weekend is ahead. I plan to relax for most of it, then eat my weight in turkey and stuffing on thanksgiving day. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Sheltered by the earth

Sheltered by the earth

My Elements series of self-portraits was started on a whim last summer when I decided to experiment with motion blur by swirling sari fabric in front of the camera. The resulting effect created by the blurring and colouration of the photos made me think of fire, and eventually I decided to build the series around it interpreting the four elements. Second in the series was Floating, where I attempted to simulate the look of swimming underwater through a combination of lighting and the use of fabric.

The above photo is from a shoot I did this past weekend to interpret the element of Earth. Althought I’m quite happy with this photo it doesn’t fit well with the rest in the series. It is a little too different in it’s literal use of the earth, and lacks the two elements common to the other two: motion and fabric. At this point I’m not sure if I will reshoot this idea another way, or just try to create a similar effect through further manipulation in photoshop.

Moments from the past

Moments from the past

Five lovely moments from the last two days…
1) Lunch dates two days in a row
2) Walking outside in the sunshine
3) Droping off a freshly shot roll of holga film at the lab
4) Browsing through a clothing store but not needing to buy anything
5) Setting time aside to create the above collage in photoshop

Lacking a title

For the life of me I can’t think up a title for this digital collage. I usually take this as a sign that it should remain untitled…

The image was created in Photoshop from seven different photographs, as a labour of love for a friend. All my work should turn out so well.

Crazy stockings


I created this image a few years ago to make a 3D artwork to donate to the Textile Muesum of Canada’s annual silent auction. The person in the photo is my friend Stefanie, and the photo is actually a black & white shot I colourized and placed on the background of the field of flowers.

The Oracle


For years I’ve had this idea in the back of my mind to create a series of digitally manipulated images on goddesses. I couldn’t figure out what exactly I wanted to explore with this work, but now at last I have. Rather than trying to reinterpret specific goddesses with each image, I’d think I will create each work based upon different archtypes or aspects typically represented by them.

This image, featuring my friend Susie, is the second completed image in this series. It took me a ridiculously long time to complete it because I became lost in the finer details. I will start on a third one soon.

Sisters to the stars

Feather women

We are the trees of the earth
our roots are stretching deep and strong,
the stone of the firmament,
sister to the stars
that gave birth to the soil.

~ Alma Villanueva