Bending Light magazine feature

AntoniaI’m thrilled to announce the launch of the latest online issue of Bending Light Magazine. I was asked to contribute an article on “Overcoming the Anxiety of Portrait Photography”, as part of their current theme of Angst. It was a very interesting subject for me to explore and realize how far I’ve come since I first began photographing people. I am very pleased with the article, and would love to hear back from people about it. Please leave a comment for me here.

It was challenging to have to select only nine shots to accompany the piece and have them be a good representation of my portrait work. I wanted there to be a good variety of faces and poses, show some of my best recent portraits, and to not just use work I’ve featured before. I’m probably even more pleased with the image gallery than the article. I like it when my work looks so good.

Thank you to Ariela at Bending Light Magazine for selecting me to write on the subject, to Joanna for her usual fabulous editing assistance, and to all the lovely people who posed for me and are featured in the article.

10 thoughts on “Bending Light magazine feature

  1. Bill Stilwell says:

    Great article Rachael! I have to admit I’m still in the ‘ack ask a stranger to take their picture?!’ stage myself, and this makes me realize it’s just something I need to get over.

    The selection of portraits in the gallery are great as well.

  2. Ben Damm says:

    Good work – your portraiture has been a powerful influence on my photography personality, and this article helps to shed some light on how to continue building out these skills. Thanks Rachael!

  3. neil says:

    Some fantastic portraits you’ve got there Rachael and a thoughtful and inspiring article as well. Just as you say that everyone has a secret desire to be a model, I think every photographer has a desire to do candid portraits and you’ve certainly inspired me to move closer to that goal.

  4. Hendrik says:

    Congratulations on the article, Rachael. I like it a lot. I realized I have been giving up on taking portraits completely for quite a while now. But your article (and of course your amazing portraits) motivated me to work on my anxiety behind and in front of the camera.

  5. Christina says:

    Congratulations on the article and gallery. I like how you explained the steps you took getting past the anxiety — breaking it down like that made it seem less daunting.

    This is so true:
    “The only way to overcome any fear is to confront it, as the thing that provokes the anxiety is often also its cure.”

    I like taking pictures of friends and family when they’ll put up with it, but your article made me want to branch out.

  6. emma says:

    great article rachael – i too love portraiture, but seldom venture away from asking family! friends should be the next step, then their friends! thanks for the advice ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. Rachael says:

    Excellent. I’m glad to hear back from so many of you that this article is helpful. Asking people to pose for you gets easier that more often you do it, so just go for it if it’s something you really want to do.

  8. Ariela says:

    You know, we’ve received tons of comments about your article – a lot of people have found it to be really inspiring. ๐Ÿ™‚ Good job!

  9. Joanna says:

    Hey, it turned out really well. I’m so glad for you. Anytime you need a sentence-polisher (or model) you know you can count on me.

  10. marshall says:

    I’ve never asked a stranger if they’d pose for a session… I’ve wanted to but never have. but I want to and I will… thanks for the nudge and advice. fear has always been such a worthy foe ๐Ÿ™‚ Your photos are so beautifully presented and i love that you had to pick only 9. good luck to you, -doogin

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