The Divine Feminine

The Divine Feminine A great way to build up an artistic resume and get a sense of what’s involved in showing your work, is to enter group shows. I’ve done this quite a bit in the past, and have only recently gotten back into the habit of keeping an eye out for artist calls or juried shows to submit my work to.

I was thrilled when I heard about the upcoming “Divine Feminine” artshow at Radha Yoga and Eatery because I felt it was a theme very suited to my work. I’ve always had an interest in the goddess (as is evidenced by my choice of flickr name goddess_spiral) that evolved from a love of mythology as a kid, and developed further through personal study of female divinities from around the world.

Upon deciding to submit to the show, I selected two of my more recent digital images and reproduced them as metal prints using image transfer paper and a heat press. It’s the same process I used to create the work for my show last year at Wicked Cafe, and I will describe it further another time. I’ll be curious to check out how each artist chose to interpret the theme, and to see how well my own work will fit with everything else.

Radha yoga & eaterygoddess with lotus
Taken at Radha Yoga & Eatery, in June 2005.

The Divine Feminine exhibition
Radha Yoga & Eatery – 728 Main St.
March 31 – April 30
11:30 – 4:00 PM Monday to Friday
Featuring the art, photography, printmaking and fabric art of 31 artists! Curated by Eva Waldauf.

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