Your imagination should heat up considerably

Tiny floating jellies
From Free Will Astrology
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): I hope that one day you will learn how to give all the extraordinary love you have to offer. Another one of my greatest desires for you is that you will cultivate, earn, and seize all the freedom you need in order to become yourself completely. To my great pleasure, you’ve recently begun to tune in to the possibility that these two goals might be extremely fun for you. During the coming weeks their hold on your imagination should heat up considerably. In 2007, I hope they’ll become your modus operandi, your Weltanschauung, and your raison d’être.

3 thoughts on “Your imagination should heat up considerably

  1. knitty-kat says:

    this shot is amazing! I would love to blow this up and hang it on the wall in my bedroom. So tranquill and fasinating at the same time

  2. Mandy says:

    I absolutely love the horoscopes you post. The writer has such a wonderful generosity of spirit.
    It also seems to me that this horoscope is rather timely. I look forward to seeing what 2007 will hold for you. 🙂

    Oh yes, and the photo is beautiful and joy-inducing.

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