Before deciding upon a photo to post on my blog, I did a quick search through my flickr photo stream for anything tagged with snow. I was amazed to discover that I only have ONE photo of snow in my whole archive on Flickr. Apparently, after moving away from Toronto I lost all interest in pictures of the white stuff. I’ll try to remedy this over the next few days while Vancouver is blanketed in an endless sea of white/brown/black snow.
This morning I left my house and walked out into a magical wintery landscape covered in clean white snow. There was hardly a soul around, unusual even for the ungodly hour I make my way to work, and it made for a surprisingly quiet walk to catch the bus. The air was cold and crisp, and every snow covered inch of my street glowed and sparkled under the mixed light of street lamps and the slow breaking light of dawn.
I’ll look forward to seeing some of the snow shots when you get them. Although it took me 1/2 hour extra to get to work today, I love the snow and will enjoy it while it lasts – it’s a nice change from the rain, way prettier and makes the world so much brighter! bring it on ๐
I think I would miss mornings like that very much. It’s one of the things that I enjoy about winter. The snow is both lovely and annoying, but the peacefullness and beauty that it entombs everything with, it takes my breath away (literally, cuz it’s damn cold) and makes me smile deep inside.