I have trees on the brain lately. They have dominated my photographic subject matter since before Christmas when I first ventured out into the cold night air with a friend and my holga. I’m less interested now in shooting at night and long exposures, but trees continue to hold my fascination. I’m trying to develop it into a series, and possibly a show. I’m unsure of this focus though, and wonder if it’s an interesting enough subject to build a full scale artshow around…
2 thoughts on “Reaching up and away”
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I’d say go for the tree focus. the challenge to you as an artist is to create interesting enough photos of trees that it could be a full scale artshow. I’d say you’re well on your way with some of the photos that you’ve posted lately. If they were blown up, i’m sure they’d be even better. I find trees, espeically ones out here, a challenge to photograph because they are often so big, but it’s hard to get the scale of them to come across in a photo. and just think, as spring comes, the trees are only going to get more and more beautiful… depending on your timing I bet series of tree shots as the seasons pass would make a very interesting show… there’s lots of ideas out there – I’ll look forward to seeing it as the work unfolds.
Thanks Simone. The tree theme is a definate now, and I will continue to shoot new images until I build the right combo of shots for my show. I’m doing heat transfer work with this too. I hope you can make it to the opening. ๐