Thank you to everyone who came out to Exposure Gallery over the weekend to visit with me and see my photo in the show. I was able to get a bit of reading done during my gallery sitting shift, and discovered the work of two photographers new to me.
The current issue of Light Leaks magazine features an interview with pinhole photographer Martha Casanave, and a stunning selection of photos from her series Explorations along an Imaginary Coastline. A nice compliment to her work is that of Robin Bartholick and his digitally constructed black and white images. (See series 1 and series 2.) It’s interesting to me that their work is so similar, with gentlemen dressed in turn of the century garb and imaginary landscapes, but they achieve their results at opposite ends of the technological scale.
Hi Rachel,
This is a great blog space you have here. Thanks so much for reading mine.
I look forward to watching what your doing in the Future.
Id also like to pop down to exposure gallery some time! Hopefully I can catch your work while its up!
Kind regards,
Izzie Egan
Thank you for visiting my blog Izzie. I\’m glad you are so willing to share your knowledge with the art lovers and art makers of Vancouver.