Weekly collage

What if it all means something

This week I skipped my moleskin sketchbook and went straight for one of the wooden cradle frames that have been wasting away in my art supply box for months. I started with a page torn from a book about the sketches of Leonardo da Vinci, and slowly built the composition around it with the hat wearing male figure and butterflies. Everything else was added as I looked around my apartment and found more long neglected items I’d collected with the intention of using them for “something.” I still need to do some work on the sides of the piece, and I think I will add a bit of colour to the background using watercolours.

As pictured below, I made a huge mess all over the living room floor by the time I was done.

The mess

5 thoughts on “Weekly collage

  1. Kai says:

    Rachael, this is lovely. it has a vintage time travel feel to it. keep up the great work ๐Ÿ™‚ look forward to seeing more!

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