Five Things Meme

Golden leaves

This came my way from Ariane.

5 Things I was doing 10 years ago:
– working on a series of graveyard photos printed with liquid light on roof tiles
– on a month long trip in Spain and Italy with my cousin
– working at the Peel Heritage Complex
– learning Photoshop/Illustrator/QuarkXpress/html/
– wishing for better things in my life probably

5 Things on my to-do list today:
– write a letter to my mom and mail two other letters
– research various costs for travel in Japan
– research images from The Birds and Vertigo
– go for a walk to enjoy the sunshine
– laundry

5 snacks I like:
– chips
– grapefruit cut by Zak
– candied ginger
– almonds
– crunchy apples

5 Things I would do it I was a millionaire:
– buy a live/work space, and fill it with equipment to enable a variety of creative projects
– give my sister a tonne of money towards her new house
– go on a year long trip around the world
– help friends in need of some extra cash
– buy a fancy new bike

5 Places Iโ€™ve Lived in (for various lengths of time):
– Brampton, Ontario
– The Annex, Toronto
– Christchurch, New Zealand
– Aliston, Ontario
– Vancouver, BC

5 Jobs I have had:
– Digital Artist at a photography studio
– Photographer, Textile Museum of Canada in Toronto
– Gallery Assistant and Installer
– Picture framer
– Administrative Assistant/Office Manager

5 People I tag:
– I’ll name no names. Please do this meme if you wanna. ๐Ÿ™‚

3 thoughts on “Five Things Meme

  1. Kathryn says:

    wow – I haven’t really thought about things in the past (much). It makes me realize that 10 years ago I was trapped in a shitty relationship that I was too afraid to leave, had a shit job & little prospect for doing better.

    I will happily take your $. Still totally freaking out and I think everyone that embarks on home ownership does.

    Love and HUGS!

  2. Rachael says:

    I realize later on yesterday evening that ten years ago this Christmas was when Granny passed away and mom was diagnosed with colon cancer for the first time.

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