Ten Good Things from 2008

It’s hard to reflect on a whole year now that it’s come to an end because the beginning isn’t as clear in my mind as more recent events. Here goes:

1. Getting to know Boris in many ways I never expected and building a good relationship with him. I’ve known him for a couple of years, but not very well. He only came into sharp focus for me at Travis’ birthday at the end of 2007. I’m glad my crush has turned into something more.

2. Setting a weekly goal to create a collage in my moleskin sketchbook and learning much about composition, techniques, materials, etc, in the process.
Weekly moleskin collage - airships

3. Leaving behind a job where I felt like I was wasting my time and spinning my wheels.

4. Taking baby steps forward in showing my work, with one more solo show under my belt and participation in five different group shows.
As the crow(s) fly

5. Going on an awesome roadtrip with Boris back in March. We drove from Vancouver to Seattle via Whidbey Island and Bainbridge Island, and had many lovely adventures along the way. It was my favorite trip of the whole year and definitely a highlight.
Magnificent sky

6. Starting a weekly self portrait series called “52 weeks” which has led me to producing photographic work I am very pleased with. This week is number thirty-seven in the series and it will continue until April 2009.
Week 6 - Doors

7. Many weekend trips to Bowen Island over the course of the year, and having a comfortable, cozy place to stay with the Mann Family.

Water leaves

8. A brief visit to Toronto back in May to see my family and meet with a old friends. I was glad to also have the opportunity to catch a few Contact Festival shows and see the awesomeness that is the newly renovated ROM.
Space traveller

9. This may sound strange if you’re not a cat person, or have never met Travis and Susie’s cat Maggie, but she has definitely been a highlight of my year. She’s a kitten-sized pack of trouble full of the stinkiest farts known to man, but she’s damn cute, full of personality, and fun to have around at work. I adore Maggie.
Week 22 - Maggie

10. Realizing (yet again) that no matter how old I get there will always be more lessons to learn about myself and more growing to do. I hoping to put this knowledge to good use this year and move forward instead of just running in place like I feel I have been.
Starlings take flight

What are your good things from 2008?

3 thoughts on “Ten Good Things from 2008

  1. maureen says:

    Rachael, thanks for tapping me on the virtual shoulder today — i’ve missed coming to your website — it’s beautiful, btw — and keeping up with your fun shenanigans. Your good things post is awesome, you are an inspiration to me. good luck in 2009.
    take care, maureen

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