Artfest 2009: Show and Tell

On the final evening of Artfest everyone brings their work together in one place for a group show. It’s a great way to see what people were doing in other classes. I think it also helps people decide on classes they may want to consider the next time they attend Artfest. It was really crowded in the hall, and the lighting wasn’t so great, but I did manage to take a few pictures of some of the work.

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Artfest 2009 - Show and Tell night-4

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Artfest 2009 - Show and Tell night-9

I have more photos in an Artfest 2009 set on Flickr.

One thought on “Artfest 2009: Show and Tell

  1. Kat says:

    This seriously sounds like so much fun. ::sigh:: It also sounds like something that I would really enjoy doing. I wish it was closer and cheaper!

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