All you can pink

Pink Blossoms

Pink Blossoms

Five Good Things:
1. Cherry blossoms, especially the pink ones. They are very cheeky with their attention grabbing colour shouting, “Look at me!” And smile.
2. Dinner at Hapa Izakaya on Friday evening with a cute mann. So much good food.
3. Spending all of Saturday outside in the sunshine and fresh air while taking part in Bike the Blossoms.
4. Getting started on my taxes. Getting them done will be EVEN better.
5. Having a really good weekend.

2 thoughts on “All you can pink

  1. Rachael says:

    We had Kabocha, Ika, ceviche, Ishi-Yaki, and a grilled veggie dish with an eggplant puree that was a special. The drinks were good too.

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