Hey remember waaaay back at the beginning of July when I wrote about getting a career boost and my vow to work on the business of art? Well I’ve been keeping this vow and despite the summer distractions and unbearable heat of the last week I’ve actually managed to cross a few things off my art to do list. (The non-art to do list is another matter…)
One of these crossed off items was for me to create a series of postcards based on collages from my moleskin sketchbooks. I’ve been wanting to create postcards of some sort for YEARS, and now I have. I saw the final proof from the printer today and they should be done by the end of the week. Just in time for my art sale.
Coming this Sunday August 9th I’ll be selling my mixed media collages, metal prints, and postcard sets on the streets of Vancouver. Our friends Ross and Kay are hosting the Lawnstravaganza on the front lawn of their building and I decided to join in the fun and take advantage of a free venue conveniently located near my house. It’s my “think outside the venue” or perhaps “DIY venue” way of getting my stuff out there. Come on by the stoop if you just happen to be in the South Granville neighbourhood. I hear there will be monkeys for sale, and hotdogs too.
1325 West 10th Avenue
noon to 5pm
(Facebook event info)