Ten Good Things About Moving

Last Monday Boris and I moved across town into a larger apartment in East Van. Today we moved all the stuff I’ve had in storage for the last eleven months. That’s two Monday’s in a row we’ve spent hauling boxes around and I can’t be more glad that part is over. I love our new place though and I’m glad we moved.

We're Moving

Ten Good Things about moving:
1. Upgrading from a two room bachelor to a two bedroom apartment. Hurray for more space!
2. Finally having a small studio space at home for art making and housing art supplies.
3. Living in East Van which is a quieter, more interesting neighbourhood than South Granville filled with neat stuffs.
3. Sleeping in a bedroom at last. (The old place had built in Murphy beds and no bedroom).
4. Getting rid of things I no longer need and wonder why I’ve held onto.
5. Unpacking books and art I haven’t seen in almost a year.
6. Having about a zillion times the wall space than before to hang lots and lots of art.
7. Figuring out where to put everything and how to arrange the furniture in the new space. (I see Ikea in our future).
8. Paying a bit more rent than before for a much larger space. We really lucked out.
9. Ending up at La Casa Gelato every other day in the last five (so far) because we live SO close. (Always with different friends though).
10. Unpacking twenty-five Frogboxes and having them all go away at the end of last week.

5 thoughts on “Ten Good Things About Moving

  1. Rachael says:

    Thanks Stewart. I hope your move goes well too. Boris and I really love the new space.

  2. Rachael says:

    Jamie, the new neighbourhood also means I can take part in the Eastside Culture Crawl.

    Kathy, there is more room for guests, but still no guest room. ๐Ÿ™‚

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