Paper Flowers

Paper Flowers

Earlier this week I decided the installation I’ve been putting together for Container Art needed “something more”, and so I started making paper flowers. These are made from five pieces of paper and then attached together with glue. I have made about fifty of them using pages cut from one of the left over encyclopedia volumes. You’ll have to wait and see what I’m going to do with them as part of the display.

Paper Flowers

Paper Flowers

The paper flower design is taken from Playing With Books by Jason Thompson, which I purchased from RubyDog’s Art House.

[A big thank you to Ariane for coming over earlier this week to hang out and help me make a few of the flowers.]

4 thoughts on “Paper Flowers

  1. Rachael says:

    I had originally considering making a light or lighting based with these, and may do that eventually. I really like them.

  2. Ariane says:

    You’re welcome ๐Ÿ™‚ they really do look nice once there’s a bunch of them… maybe I will put dibs on a few for later if you end up wanting to give them away. I think they really could make a neat chandelier or just hanging decoration of some sort.

  3. Rachael says:

    When they come back from the show they may end up hanging from the ceiling of in the hallway at home or they could end up in a tree outside. Your dibs is noted.

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