Boris and I moved into our new apartment at the beginning of June and only now am I getting around to hanging more art on the walls and finding a proper place for things. It takes a good long while to settle into a new home. My studio has also been seeing some attention this week as I needed to tidy up and find places for the return of Forgotten Knowledge.

I hate white walls, especially in the dreary winter months, so I’ve done my best to place colourful things around the room. I put up two strings along one wall and hung photos, cards, artwork, and other little things using tiny clothes pegs. I have lots of my own work around the room but tried to include prints and things I have from other artists.

The bulletin boards above my desk are filled with inspiring things. My laptop is on the table in this shot, but when I’m making art it sits elsewhere while I make a huge mess. Most of the books I plan to alter sit in a stack by the door with Oliver the octopus sitting on top keeping an eye on things. He’s the land octopus (inside joke) Boris and I always wanted, and we won him at the PNE this summer.

It’s a really nice little studio space, and I feel very lucky to have it.