Capturing Process

The Culture Crawl will be having a juried preview show at The Cultch. It will coincide with the Crawl itself and entice people to visit some of the artists in their studios. This year they’ve asked the artists to show the process of their work rather than a finished piece. I’d been racking my brains for a way to do this and finally had an “Ah ha!” moment yesterday morning on what to do.



The top book is one of the test encyclopedias I experimented on to come up with ideas for the Forgotten Knowledge project. The scrap pages are ones cut from other books along the way. I save these because they can always be made use of. The stack of books and random objects are items I’ll be using in future books.

This was the best way I could come with to capture my process because I don’t do sketches or some other form of brainstorming. It all happens very spontaneously for me.

2 thoughts on “Capturing Process

  1. Connie says:

    I love your very organic approach. It’s quite the journey when you can focus on the moment and let things evolve. i really beleive in seredipity! I think this piece is perfect it has a lot of movement…it’s alive and growing…maybe it’ll continue up the wall and across the ceiling!! Have FUN!

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