A Gift of Many Gifts

My sister Kathryn celebrated her birthday yesterday, and even though I couldn’t be there in person I did my best to make sure she had a special day. I know she really loves these cool coffee tables that are all over pinterest these days, she recently bought one, but tells me she was nothing to put on and into it… So, I put together a package of forty individually wrapped gifts meant to go on or stored into her new coffee table, one for each year. It was inspired by a present given to me by a friend on my thirtieth birthday and I’ve always wanted to do this for someone else.

Gift of 40 gifts-2

Gift of 40 gifts

IThere were two gifts she had to open before the rest and the very first one was filled with confetti. (I like to kick off present opening with a bang!) I’m really glad the package arrived right on time, and it was the perfect thing to make her day.

6 thoughts on “A Gift of Many Gifts

  1. Rachael says:

    Thanks you three. I actually shared the gift because it’s a great idea (and not originally mine) that should be shared further. It’s awesome to get a gift full of gifts.

    I had a lot of fun putting this together, and her enjoyment of it made it all worth it.

  2. Kathryn says:

    It was totally awesome! I’m still having fun with all of it. You know . . in that entire box there was nothing to eat. Thank goodness for that!

    Thank you again!!

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