For the month of February I’m enrolled in an e-course called, Be Your Own Beloved, which is facilitated by Vivienne McMaster. It is a twenty-eight day challenge to cultivate self-reflection and compassion for oneself through self portraiture.
I’ve been wanting to take one of Vivienne’s courses for awhile. I felt this one was particularly well timed as I’ve been harshing on myself for continued poor health and my frustrations around that. Here’s hoping I will learn to be kinder to myself in the process.
These are two of the self portraits I’ve created so far and I’m happy with them. It’s been challenging to find the time and creative energy to do this. My photography skills are rusty from lack of use, as is the part of my brain formerly in charge of visualizing ideas for portraits and self-portraits.
I like the idea of combining self-portraits with drawings as I did yesterday. It would be interesting if I can come up with a whole series of them over the course of the twenty-eight days.