A Studio Visit with Siobhan Humston

On Monday I went on an artist road trip with friends, Val Arntzen and M.A. Tateishi, to do a studio visit with Siobhan Humston in Harrison Hot Springs. Siobhan has been doing a residency at the Ranger Station Gallery since September 2012, and is in the last few months of preparing for her upcoming show at the gallery.

Studio visit with Siobhan Humston-3

Studio visit with Siobhan Humston-2

All the photos were taken as Siobhan was touring us around her studio space upstairs from the Ranger Station Gallery. She’s been working on a series of large mixed media paintings on paper and a few smaller paintings on wood panel, all of which are stunning. The subject matter is inspired by some of her recent struggles, and mixes imagery of the natural world and man-made items.

Studio visit with Siobhan Humston

Studio visit with Siobhan Humston-7

It was a wonderful visit, full of food, good conversation, and beautiful weather. I think all four of us came away feeling very inspired and wanting to get down to work in our own studios.

Studio visit with Siobhan Humston-8

Studio visit with Siobhan Humston-6

Siobhan’s show opens at the beginning of June. I’m really looking forward to seeing it.

Studio visit with Siobhan Humston-5

Studio visit with Siobhan Humston-4

4 thoughts on “A Studio Visit with Siobhan Humston

  1. m.a.tateishi says:

    It was so great to get together and talk about art, artists and creativity! I’m impressed by your photos too, every one of them is better than any of mine, which make Siobhan’s studio look like it’s in a cellar. Plus you got the first blog post on the studio written, so you win!

    All joking aside, it was an amazing day all around. Artists should be taking art field trips at least once a month.

  2. Rachael says:

    Euodia, there is always something inspiring to look at in Siobhan’s studio.

    M.A., maybe we should develop this sort of thing into a monthly series. I would love that.

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