Hot Art Wet City: Show & Tell Speaker Series

As part of a commitment to myself around contributing back and helping to build the arts community, I’ve recently taken on the role of organizer for a new speaker series at Hot Art Wet City. It’s a new gallery space on Main Street run by Chris Bentzen, the creator of CARDED!, Hot One Inch Action, and an on-going video interview series (which inspired the name of the gallery) sharing the work of Vancouver creatives. I admire what Chris does as a self-made curator building distinctive events, and I want to see the gallery thrive.


Show & Tell is intended to become a regular event at HAWC, with a different speaker each month. The series will feature enthusiastic amateurs to veteran professionals from a wide variety of backgrounds sharing and discussing something they’re passionate about.

The series kicks off with our first speaker, writer/editor/crafter extraordinaire, Kim Werker, on May 21st at 7pm:

Sometimes It Ain’t Pretty:
How the Painful Parts of Creativity Can Be Our Strongest Assets

No amount of you-can-do-it cheerleading can prepare us for the inevitable pitfalls inherent to creative exploration. We’re going to struggle, we’re going to stumble, we’re going to fall flat on our face. The thing is, everyone does. So rather than avoiding failure at all costs, I say we allow – or even force – ourselves to dig deep into it for a while. From an intimate understanding of our relationship with failure we can become stronger, more flexible, less afraid, and more adventurous.

Free tickets and more details on the Hot Art Wet City website. I hope you’ll join us…

Show & Tell
Hot Art Wet City
Date: May 21st, 2013
Time: Doors at 6:30pm, talk at 7pm
Location: 2206 Main Street @ sixth avenue