Found Objects: Recommended Internet Reading

In my monthly newsletter I always share three or four links to items I’ve come across that have inspired me. I call the section, “Found Objects”, and I’ve decided to try and continue the same thing here on my blog.

For your May long weekend reading pleasure, I present a few items you should check out:

  • Mixed media artist, Carlyn Yandle, writes one blog post a week about art. Each one is well-written, thoughtful, and insightful.
  • Ditto for blog posts written by M.A. Tateishi, another Vancouver artist with excellent writing skills.
  • Money Money Money, a series of blog posts by Kim Werker on money struggles for the creative person. It was inspired by a letter I wrote to her.
  • A beautiful post about body image and confidence by Vivienne McMaster. It speaks strongly to how women tear themselves down, but can also build themselves up.

Have yourself a relaxing long weekend.