After Currents of Nature went up a few weeks ago I was left with time to decide on what I wanted to work on next. In an usual turn of events I’ve started working on multiple things at once. The work I’m sharing here is one of the two.

The idea began with playing around with painting the paper because I’m starting to feel the work needs colour. I was working with a scrap piece of paper and ended up cutting this small flower shape. Suddenly I started thinking about creating a sculpture from multiple small paper cut shapes, and so I decided to cut more of these flowers. When I had thirteen of them it didn’t feel like enough so I’ve decided to keep going with this as a long term side-project. At the moment I have twenty of these flower/starburst shapes, and there will be many more to come.

Sometimes I’ve been cutting these when I watch tv, and it feels a bit like my version of knitting. I’m not yet sure where this is going to end up, though I do have some things in mind.
Thank goodness I took the time to experiment.