Highlights From the ECUAD 2014 Graduation Exhibition

Boris and I visited the Emily Carr grad show last weekend, and I wanted to share some of the work I really liked and felt inspired by. It’s a very random selection, and I also missed photographing a few favourite things, but you get the idea.

Highlight from ECUAD 2014 grad show
Sculptor’s Sketchbook by Angela Smailes

Highlight from ECUAD 2014 grad show

King of Panthera by Fiona Tang

Highlight from ECUAD 2014 grad show
Highlight from ECUAD 2014 grad show
Illustrations by Jori van der Linde

Highlights from ECUAD 2014 grad show
Pandora by Pandora Young

Highlight from ECUAD 2014 grad show
Love Seat by Wesley Horsfall

Highlight from ECUAD 2014 grad show
Embroidered illustration by Kelly Baker

Highlights from ECUAD 2014 grad show
Highlight from ECUAD 2014 grad show
Illustration by Sabrina Ting Yu Hsu

Highlight from ECUAD 2014 grad show
Highlights from ECUAD 2014 grad show
Paper cut sculpture by Alison Woodward

Highlight from ECUAD 2014 grad show
East of the Sun, West of the Moon by Eden Cooke

Highlights from ECUAD 2014 grad show
Where are the hydrangeas? by Justin Ng

The graduation exhibition continues on through May 18th, so get yourself there and check it out.