Work in Progress: Kirigami

If you’ve been wondering what I’ll be working on at Vancouver Mini Maker Faire this weekend, here is a sneak preview. I’d been wracking my brain for a simple idea and I decided to try kirigami style paper cutting, which is essentially fancy schmancy snowflakes out of coloured paper.

Kirigami paper cuts

Kirigami paper cuts

I am completely obsessed with making these because they are so simple and beautiful. I use a knife as my cutting tool rather than scissors. It allows me to be more intricate with the designs. I have a pile of the cut off pieces and they look almost as interesting as the rest of the pieces.

Kirigami paper cuts

Kirigami paper cuts

I’m doing some of the preparation for this in advance but mostly I’ll be working on this throughout Maker Faire weekend. I’m curious to see how large an installation I can create over two days.