Inspiring Art in Seattle and Bellevue

Boris and I did a quick trip to Seattle over the weekend. We went down to hear our friend Lee Lefever speak at the Seattle chapter of Creative Mornings, and to visit friends.

We spent a bit of time on Friday wandering the streets and visiting a few galleries. I was so thrilled to see the work of Andy Kehoe in person at Roq la Rue gallery. He works in layers of resin and paint, which gives the work depth and detail, but unfortunately this doesn’t come through in photographs. I’ve admired his work online for years, but they are so much better in person.

Seattle art
Detail of Twilight Rendevous by Andy Kehoe

Seattle art
Detail of Valley of the Ghoul by Andy Kehoe

Seattle art
Detail of Invoking The Heart of The Wild by Andy Kehoe

We also did a quick trip to the Bellevue Arts Museum to see Folding Paper: The Infinite Possibilities of Origami. It was an extra inspiring bonus to see exhibitions of work by Kathy Venter and Dan Webb.

Seattle art
Figurative sculpture by Kathy Venter, an artist based on Salt Spring Island.

Seattle art
Surreal wood carved sculpture by Dan Webb.

Folding Paper was a terrific survey of origami work from artists and designers around the world. There were many pieces of traditional work, but my favourites were the pleated fold-style of sculptural origami, as well as some of the modular work.

Seattle art

Seattle art

Seattle art

The origami show continues until September, but the exhibitions by Kathy Venter and Dann Webb ended this past weekend. It’s worth the visit to the museum because they always have wonderful craft-based shows that we don’t have the exhibition space for in Vancouver.