Hot Talks @ Hot Art Wet City: Miranda Lievers

It’s always a thrill for me to introduce another talented, well-spoken, and knowledgeable friend to the audience of the Hot Talks speaker series. This month features a talk by Miranda Lievers, a photographer, entrepreneur, crafter, mom, and a zillion other things.


The Art of Pinterest-Perfect:
A talk on learning by doing, and never assuming that you can’t

In a world where we’re inundated with Pinterest-perfect snapshots of seemingly impeccably executed culinary adventures, craft projects, and even home renovations, it’s enough to assume that everyone else has got this already and that you should probably just stay in bed. Not often perfect (but usually close enough), the “sure why not?” approach can lead to a funny story, a new skill, and the courage to say yes again.

Read the full description here.

The latest Hot Talk happens on August 21st at 7pm. Tickets are by donation and are available for purchase through Eventbrite.

Hot Talks: Miranda Lievers
Hot Art Wet City
Date: August 21st, 2014
Time: Doors 6:30, talk 7pm
Address: 2206 Main Street (at 6th Ave), Vancouver