Magnificent Paper Work by Peter Combe

San Francisco artist, Peter Combe, has a show at Back Gallery Project for the next few weeks. I attended the opening last Thursday and was completely mesmerized by the work.

He creates a mix of portraits and abstract work from hundreds of small circles punched from colourful paint chips, which are placed at an angle to the surface of the piece. The pieces look completely different depending on the angle you view it from, and the colours and tones shift. They are fascinating to look at, and each viewer moves around in front of the work.

Peter Combe at Back Gallery Project
Peter Combe at Back Gallery Project

Peter Combe at Back Gallery Project

The portraits are subtle and the full effect doesn’t come across in photos as it does in person.

Peter Combe at Back Gallery Project
Peter Combe at Back Gallery Project
Peter Combe at Back Gallery Project

Peter Combe at Back Gallery Project
Peter Combe at Back Gallery Project

The show continues until May 9th at Back Gallery Project, so don’t miss it.