A Garden Of Our Own

About a month ago I was notified that a plot had become available in our local community garden, after two (maybe three) years of being on the waitlist. A day later Boris and I were clearing our newly acquired garden space of weeds and old plants, and making plans about what to grow.

A month later and we have a whole bunch of things growing away in there, including three kinds of tomatoes, red cabbage, basil, mint, thai basil, lemon balm, lavender, rosemary, nasturtiums, a sunflower, chives, and few other newly planted things I can’t remember.


Nasturtium flower

Chive flowers

Gazania Kiss Orange

It is so lovely to have this bit of garden to look after. We wander over daily to check on it, as things are growing like mad in this early summer heat and sun. I can hardly wait to eat everything that comes up.