Boris and I were over on Bowen Island for the long weekend, and I brought along the materials to begin work on my second braided rug project. I want this one to be colourful, and a long oval shape.
My biggest struggle with this one will be figuring out how to make the colours flow. I started working with the orange yarns because I have three balls in various shades and I will use these and the red one to carry throughout the entire piece. I wasn’t expected to make an orange rug, but now that I’m this far along with it, an orange rug is what it’s going to be.
To give you an idea about the scale of this (because it looks small in the photo) the centre section above is about ten inches long. The colours are way off in this first photo, but the third photo is closer to what it actually looks like.
I’m pleased with how much progress I made on this over the weekend because I also spent a lot of time outside walking, swimming, and reading a book. I would love to finish this rug by the end of August and have it brightening up our bedroom floor in the fall.