Repetitive Drawings

Two weeks ago I set aside the tyvek installation because it was feeling stale to work on, and did a little side trip into drawing again. I decided to do a series of repetitive drawings using metallic gel pen on black paper. To date I’ve made three of these on 12″ x 12″ black paper, and I have plans to do one or two more.

I experimented with shooting short process videos using my iPhone while working on two of the three pieces. For the top one I held the phone in my left hand while I drew with my right. That was awkward and felt unnatural because I normally use my left hand to rotate the paper as I draw. With the video below I used the Hyperlapse app to do a timelapse version of me drawing, and attached it to a lamp instead of trying to hand hold and shoot. Both videos are mesmerizing to watch because I love the smooth motion of pen on paper.

I’ll share the drawings themselves in another post.

2 thoughts on “Repetitive Drawings

  1. Anne at Shintangle Studio says:

    I’ve gone back to drawing this week too: I spent a whole day in a pro-d workshop for my job yesterday and drew and drew and drew to keep myself awake and listening. I admire the fact that you’re so in the thick of things in the art world in Vancouver, giving another workshop so soon after the last one. And I was happy to see three of your cool bookart pieces in the latest issue of Uppercase: that’s one of my dreams, to have something in that wonderful magazine. Perhaps if I actually submitted work, it might happen.

    • Rachael says:

      I don’t feel in the thick of things here in Vancouver, but I’m satisfied in my little corner of it. I think if I could do it over again I would not have scheduled the two workshops so close together.

      Having work in Upppercase was a dream of mine too, and now it’s happened. I made more of an effort to submit and for the first time it worked out. Definitely do it yourself! There’s no time to waste.

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