Art Takes Over with The Vancouver Mural Festival

Oh Vancouver Mural Festival, how much do I love you? SO MUCH! Because of you the visual art scene in Vancouver has been made visible, and in the process our street art scene has levelled up about 500% in the few short weeks since all this mural painting has begun.  These are just some of the 35+ new murals in the Mount Pleasant neighbourhood. Check out the map to find all of the locations.

The official launch of the festival happened this past Saturday, and I happily wandered the streets trying to take it all in. It was such a good vibe with so many people out to see the art. Boris and I ran into many friends and acquaintances, and every single person was excited and inspired by the festival.

Vancouver Mural Festival

Scott Sueme

We would be a very different city if more buildings looked like this brilliant abstract colour composition painted by Scott Sueme. He transformed an eye sore into something I now can’t take my eyes off of.

Vancouver Mural Festival


Vancouver Mural Festival

Shannon Elliott

Vancouver Mural Festival

Tim Mack

Vancouver Mural Festival

Julia Iredale

Vancouver Mural Festival

Paige Bowman

Vancouver Mural Festival

Cody Lecoy

Vancouver Mural Festival

Ola Volo

Vancouver Mural Festival

Vancouver Mural Festival

Spencer Keeton Cunningham

Vancouver Mural Festival

Ilya Viryachev

Vancouver Mural Festival

Ola Volo & iHeart

Vancouver Mural Festival

Nomi Chi

I did not manage to see all the new murals on Saturday, but everything is supposed to be up for at least the next two years. With the success of the inaugural mural festival, I’m imagining what Vancouver could look like a few years from now when it has happened multiple times. It will be amazing!