Work In Progress: Stitching a Denim Skirt

When I started this clothing embellishment project in February I thought I would end up using a traditional sashiko pattern as my chosen design, but the highly structured approach didn’t suit what I had in mind for this skirt. I undid the work I’d started and took it in a completely different direction. I stitched a few small circles placed randomly around the fabric area to start and then realized how tedious it was going to be to make an uncounted number of additional small circles before it felt complete.



I switched directions again and decided to cover more of the skirt with stitched lines, which is really what I love about sashiko – all those lovely lines made into shapes and patterns. I made a large triangle design of lines on the middle front, and two triangles facing in opposite directions on either side of the skirt. It looks terrific even though the overall design is quite random.



Once all of the triangles are finished my plan is to go back and add more circles to different parts of the skirt. I’m hoping to get most of it done later this week. I can’t wait to wear it.