Progress on this piece has been much slower than I would have liked but I managed to put the finishing touches on it yesterday. The actual size is 19.5″ x 19.5″ hand cut from 98lb Canson Mi-Teintes paper. I think this is the largest 3D paper cut piece I have created to date.
I drew an outline of two curves spiralling into one another and filled both in with tiny delicate leaf shapes that lift away from the surface. About half way through the work I decided to draw a fuller curve for each shape to give the composition a stronger sense of flow.
My intention is to frame the work with the 3D bits as the back of the piece instead of the front surface as I normally would. The picture above shows what this looks like when the paper is backlit, and the photo below is a closeup detail of the surface. It has a wonderful textured.
I like the piece but looking at it makes me think about all the things I wish I could go back and do differently. I guess that is why my process is iterative. I always have the opportunity to do it again a slightly different way.
Do you have an instructional book out? If so, where can it be bought. Your work is astounding.
Hi Susan,
I don’t have a book or anything else like that. I occasionally teach in person workshops in Vancouver, and one in Toronto soon.
Writing a book is not my thing.