Looking for new Podcasts to Listen to?

As most artists I know seem to do these days, I listen to podcasts when I’m working in the studio. I add new ones to the list all the time, and remove older ones I am no longer interested in. At a recent get together with artist friends we made a point of having each person recommend two podcasts to the group, and I thought I’d share this compiled list with the world at large.

I’ve divided the list into ones that are new to me (and have not yet given a try), and shows there were already on my list:

New to me:
Revisionist History – http://revisionisthistory.com/
On Being – https://onbeing.org/
Savvy Painter – https://savvypainter.com/podcast/
Good Life Project – http://www.goodlifeproject.com/radio/
Modern Love – http://www.npr.org/podcasts/469516571/modern-love
Here’s the Thing – http://www.wnyc.org/shows/heresthething
S-Town – https://stownpodcast.org/
Seamwork – https://www.seamwork.com/radio

Ones I listen to already:
Reply All – https://gimletmedia.com/reply-all/
Snap Judgement – http://snapjudgment.org/podcast
Death Sex and Money – http://www.wnyc.org/shows/deathsexmoney
Strangers – https://www.radiotopia.fm/podcasts/strangers
This American Life – https://www.thisamericanlife.org/podcast
The Moth – https://www.themoth.org/
Missing Richard Simmons – https://www.missingrichardsimmons.com/

Happy listening!

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