Garage Door Murals in Toronto

Murals on garage doors is a thing in Toronto and I am a fan. These were all taken in back laneways where most garages downtown in the city are located. I would love to see this trend make its way to Vancouver.

Kensington Market garage door murals:

Garage door street art

Garage door street art

Garage door street art

Garage door street art

Garage door street art

Garage door street art

Garage door street art

Garage door street art

Harbord Village garage door murals:

Garage door street art

Garage door street art

Garage door street art

Garage door street art

Garage door street art

Garage door street art

Garage door street art

Garage door street art

Garage door street art

Garage door street art

Each grouping from the two different neighbourhoods were taken in the same two laneways. I love the variety, and I wonder how the whole thing came about.